Bringing the snark back to snacking

Bringing the snark back to snacking
Lots of things taste better than being thin feels:
A gooey, cheesy, greasy pizza
A chocolate eclair
Ice cream and gelato
Movie theatre popcorn with extra butter
What's yours?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This is My Reminder to Myself

Dear Penny,

YOU CANNOT DO LOW-CARB. You just can't. You keep trying, and everytime you go "Oh yeah, I can't do this. Fuck."

Seriously, I think, "This time I'm gonna get it right!" Nope, want to throw up and die.

I lasted two and a half days this last round. I was even tracking to make sure I was getting around 50 carbs a day! Even so, my body just CANNOT handle that much protein. Or something. Because I nearly threw up eating my egg casserole and turkey bacon this morning, which I normally enjoy.

An acquaintance of mine (internet only, even though we used to live in the same town) has had great success on a low-carb diet, and that's great for her. She posted her Pinterest board of low-carb recipes, and I read them and thought, "Sure, I can eat that!' Except not exclusively, because I get to the point where I cannot eat any more low-carb food and then I'm at 800 calories for the day, and that's bad. Seriously, it makes me want to just stop eating altogether.


Back to my perfectly acceptable goal of eating clean -- working to completely eliminate processed foods. And there's certainly a place for those low-carb recipes within that way of eating. I do want to eat less sugars. I just need fruit and oatmeal and whole wheat bread and peanut butter in my life. And that's okay.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Penny,
    just finished reading every one of your blog's articles (am unemployed so I try to keep busy not to eat and that kept me busy quite a bit ;) and I really enjoyed it.
    I suffered bulimia for several years and yo-yoed for 10 years or so but I've been steady for 2 years now. I re-lived several of my own's life episodes, and that was reassuring to see how much you could eat on a binge day (did much worse than you by the way) :D
    I've finally come to peace with food, though I'm still careful to what I eat. The only lines that really helped me and I still have to follow are :
    - eat intuitively : as you said, your body will always tell you what you really need, the only thing is it's really hard at first to understand what it says ("what?... pizza? you need pizza?.. oh sorry you meant salad! oops maybe I can have salad with my pizza then")
    - eat slowly : it takes a while for your body to tell you it's full
    - never eat in front of tv, ne-ver. I don't know why, but you ALWAYS overreat when you eat while watching tv. Well, I do.
    - stay away from processed food as much as possible, I know sometimes it's a real pain in the a... to have to cook but if you want to be in control of what you eat that's the only solution. My liberation was : steamed frozen vegetables! Cheaper than the fresh ones, already cut and washed just ready to boil or steam, such a time-saver!
    - NO forbidden food : when you're really good at intuitive eating, you spontaneously go to healthy food most of the time, so why not have a few chocolates when you want to?
    - And find exercise in everyday life if you can't afford a gym membership (in France they are quite expensive!) for instance walk as much as you can instead of using your car, or the bus, and keep your house clean and tidy (housework does burn calories, especially if you dance while doing it, thank you Lady Gaga).
    I am not sure it'll be helpfull to you or any of your readers but... I guess I just wanted to share and wish you good luck, but you already seem to be doing great!
