Bringing the snark back to snacking

Bringing the snark back to snacking
Lots of things taste better than being thin feels:
A gooey, cheesy, greasy pizza
A chocolate eclair
Ice cream and gelato
Movie theatre popcorn with extra butter
What's yours?

Friday, December 2, 2011

It would be so much easier if...

It would be so much easier if....

If I would just run a mile or two every day.

If I would do yoga every morning.

If I would do situps every day.

If I would just stop eating sugar/carbs.

If I would eat more vegetables.

If I would move more.

If I would eat fewer pre-packaged foods and cook more.

If I would stop eating when I'm full.

If I wouldn't eat my emotions.

If I would stop making excuses.

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