Bringing the snark back to snacking

Bringing the snark back to snacking
Lots of things taste better than being thin feels:
A gooey, cheesy, greasy pizza
A chocolate eclair
Ice cream and gelato
Movie theatre popcorn with extra butter
What's yours?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yet Another Weight-Loss Blog

 Does the internet really need another blog chronicling a woman's struggles with her weight? Maybe not, but  need an outlet where I can be completely honest. Surprisingly, that place is no longer my friends-only Livejournal that I've had for 10 years. I feel more comfortable seeking support from the entire internet than my small circle of friends.

For many years I avoided any sort of public blogging about my weight because I was afraid some of my old high school classmates would see it and realize I was *gasp* fat. I finally gave in and said screw it because...

5 Reasons I No Longer Care if Someone from High School Thinks I'm Fat

5. Fuck 'em.
Junior year photo - 1994
4. I'm pretty sure they already knew.
3. I compare the time I spent at that school to being in an abusive relationship, and I need to stop letting it control me.
2. My weight is no one's business but my own (and now anyone reading this blog!).
1. No, really, fuck 'em.

Here I am, fat, sassy and ready to get back on the proverbial wagon.

Thanks for joining me.

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